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Detail Information about Kasisa


Kasisa, Kasisaka, Pushpa Kasisa, Pamsuka, Pamsu Kasisa are few Ayurvedic names of Iron Sulphate. It is used in Ayurveda for time immemorial in treatment of variety of diseases. For medicinal purpose it is first purified and then used in dose of 1 to 3 ratti (1 ratti=125 mg). For purification the juice of plant Bhringraja (Eclipta alba) is used. The taste of Kasis is sour and astringent. It has astringent, tonic and blood improving properties.

Here is given more about Kasisa such as vernacular names, occurrence, physical and medicinal properties, ayurvedic properties and action, therapeutic uses, dosage and important formulations containing Kasisa.


Kasis is hydrous ferrous sulphate with chemical formula FeSO4. 7H2O.

Origin and occurrence

Kasisa is a secondary mineral formed by decomposition of pyrites in the zone of oxidation and is found in small quantities wherever pyrite occurs.

It occurs widely as efflorescence on the walls and timbers of mine workings.

Kasisa is commonly associated with chalcanthite, gypsum and other hydrous basic sulphates.

Vernacular Names

  1. Bangali: Hirakas
  2. English: Ferrous Sulphate, Green vitriol
  3. Gujarati: Hirakasi
  4. Hindi: Kasis, HīraKasīs
  5. Kannada: Kaasisa, Annabedi
  6. Malayalam: Turusi, Turus
  7. Marathi: Hirakas
  8. Tamil: Annabedhi, Annapeti
  9. Telugu: Annabhedi
  10. Urdu: Hira Kasees, Zaj-e-Asfar, Tutia-e-Sabz

Physical properties

  • Nature: Massive lumps
  • Colour: Greenish white
  • Streak: White
  • Cleavage: None
  • Fracture: Uneven
  • Lustre: Earthy
  • Tenacity: Brittle
  • Transparency: Translucent
  • Hardness: 1.95 to 2
  • Sp. Gr.: 1.90 to 1.97
  • Taste: Sweetish, astringent taste

Classification in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, Kasisa is classified into two categories.

  1. Baluka/Valuka Kasisa
  2. Pushpa Kasisa

Valuka Kasisa is also known as Dhatu Kasisa it looks like sand, with greenish and slight yellowish color. It can be natural or artificially prepared.

Pushpa Kasisa which is in small crystalline form with bright green color is used for medicinal purpose only. Kasisa Bhasma is prepared from Pushpa Kasisa.

Purification or Shodhana

Kasisa is purified using Bhringraja juice. Powdered Kasisa is added to Bhringraj juice and grind tillcomplete moisture gets evaporated. Repeat the process for three times.

Purified Kasisa has hematinic, tonic and astringent properties.

Ayurvedic Properties and Action

  • Rasa (taste on tongue): Kasaya (Astringent), Tikta (Bitter), Amla (Sour)
  • Guna (Pharmacological Action): Ushna (Hot)
  • Virya: Ushna (Heating)
  • Vipaka (transformed state after digestion): Katu (Pungent)


  • Vata-kaphahar
  • Keshya/good for hairs
  • Netrya/Good for eyes
  • Keshya Ranjana
  • Rajah Pravartaka
  • Sankochaka/Astringent
  • Balya
  • Rakta vardhak

Medicinal Properties

  • It is hot in potency.
  • It is alterative and tonic.
  • It is astringent.
  • It improves hemoglobin level.
  • It promotes strength and eye-sight.
  • It is good for hairs and prevents hair greying.
  • It is emmenagogue (stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus).

Important Therapeutic Uses of Kasisa Bhasma

  • Kandu (itching)
  • Visha roga (disease due to poison)
  • Mutrakricchra (dysuria)
  • Ashmari (calculus)
  • Shvitra (leucoderma / vitiligo)
  • Pitta apasmara (epilepsy due to pitta dosha)
  • Pandu (anaemia)
  • Plihavriddhi (splenomegaly)
  • Krimi (helminthiasis/ worm infestation)
  • Gudabhransha (prolapse of rectum)
  • Visarapa (erysepales)
  • Netra roga (disease of eyes)
  • Shleshma roga (disease due to kapha dosha)

Dosage of Kasisa

It is given in dose of 1 ratti to 3 ratti/125mg– 375 mg empty stomach.

Important Ayurvedic Formulations containing Kasisa

  • Kasisadi tel
  • Kasisadi Ghrita
  • Kasis Bhasma
  • Rajah Pravartani Vati

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