Psoriasis is most common skin disorder, millions of people all over world are suffering from this disease. In general it can be considered as an autoimmune disorder affecting skin. Psoriasis can not be always treated as nervous or somatic lesions.
Psoriasis can affect any age group, peak occurrence can seen during late teens or early twenties and a second peak during the fifties.
Most of the treatment available for Psoriasis is not very much effective and can cause several side effects if used for long term.
Ingredients of GugguluTikta Ghrita
Nimba (Azadirecta indica) | Haridra (Curcuma longa) Pippalimula (Piper longum Radix) |
Dosage of Tikta Ghrita
Take 20 gm with water, usually before food, once or twice a day, or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor