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Herb Information Varun tree (Crataeva nurvala)


Varuna tree or Three leaved caper is a medicinal tree which is found throughout India.  It is found abundantly in Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Bengal, Assam and also distributed in sub-Himalayan tracts.

Its bark and leaves are used for medicinal purpose. It is one of the best medicinal herb useful in treating urinary disorders and stones. In Ayurveda its use is recommended for blood purification, urinary & bladder problems and calculi. The bark of this tree has appetizer, diuretic and litholytic activities.

Taxonomical classificationvaruna_tree_crataeva_nurvala

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Phylum: Tracheophyta
Class: Magnoliospida
Order: Brassicales
Class: Magnoliopsida Brongniart
Family: Capparidaceae A.L. de Jussieu, nom. cons.
Genus: Crataeva
Species: nurvala (Buch-Ham)

Common Names
Sanskrit: Varun, Tiktshaak
Hindi: Baruna, Barna
Bengali: Varne, Borun
English: Three-leaved caper
Gujarati: Vayvarno, Varano
Kannada: Bitusi, Holenekki, Holethumbe, Maavilanga, Mata maavu, Naaram bele, Vitasi, Neervaala mara, Sethu bandhana, Vaayu varuna, Nervaala
Malyalam: Nirmatalam, Nirval
Marathi: Haravarna, Karvan, Kumla, Nirvala, Ramala, Varun, Vaayuvarna
Tamil: Mavilingam, Narvala, Varanam, Maavilangam, Maralingam
Telgu: Ulimidi, Bilvaram, Chinnavulimidi, Maagalingam, Maaredu, Peddamaagalingam, Peddavulimidi, Thellavulimidi

Part used: leaves, root, bark

The various parts Crataeva nurvala tree is internally and externally.
Its leaves and skin of bark is grinded with water and this paste is applied externally on inflammation of lymph nodes on neck, on pus, fluid filled wounds and rheumatic joints. In case of spleen enlargement, externally leaves pulp is applied on abdomen.
For internal use its leaves are used to prepare decoction which is useful in curing gas, pain in abdomen, anorexia, tumours, liver disorders, flatulent dyspepsia, helminthiasis and fever. Leaves can also be eaten in form of vegetable. Its leaves taken in form of juice or vegetable acts as tonic.

The bark of tree is used to prepare decoction for curing painful urination, kidney stones and kidney cysts.

This tree has anti-fertility, analgesic, anti-diarrhoeal, anti-arthritic, cardioprotective, urolithic, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory properties.

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