Zandu Vigorex is herbomineral Ayurvedic medicine from Zandu Pharmaceuticals Works Ltd. It is an Ayurvedic male tonic for increasing stamina, energy, vigour and blood circulation. It is prepared from well-known male tonics of Ayurveda such as Ashwagandha, Satavari, Gokharu, Kaunch beej, Safed Musali and minerals Shilajit, Swarna bhasma etc.
Ingredients of Zandu Vigorex
Each capsule contains: Dry extracts of Mucuna pruriens., Asparagus., Tribulus terrestris., Withania somnifera, Black asphaltum, Myristica fragrans, Yasad Bhasma, Abhrak Bhasma, Praval Bhasma, Svarna Bhasma, Suddha Karpur
Uses of Zandu Vigorex
- Fatigue, stress
- Loss of stamina
- Physical weakness
- Low energy level
Dosage of Zandu Vigorex
1 tablet twice a day with milk.