Gandhak Vati is a classical Ayurvedic medicine for treating various digestive system related problems. Gandhak Vati has Deepan (improving appetite) and Pachan (digesting) properties. Gandhak vati is helpful in impaired digestion as it improves digestive fire responsible for digestion of foods. For improving digestion and assimilation, its 2-4 tablets can be taken with hot water after meals. This medicine is also indicated in abdominal gas, constipation, bloating, hyperacidity and many other abdominal disorders.
Gandhak vati is also known as Raj Vati.
Here is given more about Gandhak Vati such as indication/therapeutic uses, Key Ingredients and dosage.
Key Ingredients of Gandhak Vati
- Suddha gandhak 24 g, shunthi 48 g, Sndha namak 24 g
- Processed in Neembu swaras
Uses of Gandhak Vati
- Ajeerna (indigestion)
- Aruci (anorexia), low appetite
- Constipation
- Hyperacidity
- Mucus in stool
- Abdominal pain
- Helps to improve digestion and appetite
- Gulma
Dosage of Gandhak Vati
1 tablet after meal with lukewarm water or as directed by physician.