Nityanand Ras is herbomineral Ayurvedic medicine. This is a useful medicine for treating Shleepad or Elephantiasis. Elephantiasis is also known as lymphatic filariasis. This disease is caused due parasitic infection of filarial worms. These round worms block lymphatic system resulting in accumulation of fluid in tissues leading to swelling and enlargement of limbs or other body parts. Limbs can swell enormously resembling elephant’s foreleg.
NITYANANDA RAS is manufactured by Dabur, Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan, Shri Bajranga Ayurved Bhawan and some other pharmacies.
Here is given more about Nityanand Ras such as indication/therapeutic uses, Key Ingredients and dosage.
Key Ingredients of Nityananda Ras
Uses of Nityanand Ras
Dosage of Nityanand Ras
Key Ingredients of Nityananda Ras
Equal amount of each: Shudh (purified) Parad, Shudh Gandhak, Tamra Bhasma, Vang Bhasma, Hartaal Bhasma, Shankh Bhasma, Kansya Bhasma, Kapardik Bhasma, Sunthi, Pippali, Maricha, Amla, Harad, Baheda, Loh Bhasma, Vidang, Ela, Saindhav lavan, Vid lavan, Samudra lavan, Sambar lavan, Pippalimool, , Chavya, Hapusha, Shati, Patha, Devdaru, Vidhara beej, Nishoth, Danti, Kapoor; processed in Kwaath prepared from Haritaki Phal
Uses of Nityanand Ras
- Elephantiasis or Filiarisis associated with mild fever, severe pain and itching over afflicted part
- Reducing the swelling and thickening of skin lesions
- Also useful in
- Fibroids
- Gandamala
- Vata roga
Dosage of Nityanand Ras
1-2 tablet(s) twice a day with water or Gaumutra or as directed by physician.