Alum or Phitkari is known as Sphatika in Ayurveda and Sphatika bhasma is its preparation,useful in treatment of haemorrhage and bleeding disorders. It is good blood purifier and useful in various skin diseases. For Bhasm preparation,Alum is dried by heating on iron pan. It is then powdered and used. Sphatika Bhasma is astringent (constricts body cells and tissues),bitter,haemostatic (stop blood flow),anti-inflammatory,and antiseptic.
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Sfatika Bhasma is manufactured by Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan,Patanjali Divya Pharmacy,Shri Bajranga Ayurved Bhawan and some other pharmacies.
Here is given more about Sphatika Bhasma such as indication/therapeutic uses,Key Ingredients and dosage.
Key Ingredients of Sphatika Bhasma
- Alum
Uses of Sphatika Bhasma
- Raktapradar or Metrorrhagia (Abnormal bleeding from uterus)
- Wound,skin diseases
- Sujak,Cough,Chronic coughing
- Whooping cough,Asthma
- Blood vomiting
- Eye diseases
- Malarial fever,Chronic fever,jaundice
- Blood purifier
- Constricts blood vessels,tissues
- Useful in case of excessive accumulated cough in lungs
Dosage of Sphatika Bhasma
250 to 500 mg twice a day with water or as directed by physician.