Varanadi Kashayam is polyherbal Ayurvedic formulation referenced from Ashtanga Hridya. This medicine is prescribed in obesity, all type of kapha-meda diseases, chronic headaches etc. It has anti-obesity action on body. The key ingredient of medicine is Varuna (Crataeva nurvala). Varuna has purgative (Bhedi), digestive stimulant (deepan) and vata/wind, kapha/mucous reducing properties. In Varanadi Kashayam, Varuna is used in combination of many other herbs. This formulation improves digestive strength and is good for liver. It gives good result in indigestion, acute and chronic digestive ailments.
Varanadi Kashayam is available in tablet and liquid form. Tablets are concentrated decoction for easy administration. It is preferable to take this medicine before meals. But if it does not suit body empty stomach, you may take it after meals.
Here is given more about Varanadi Kashayam such as indication/therapeutic uses, composition and dosage.
Key Ingredients of Varanadi Kashayam
Each in equal amount Varana, Saireyaka Barleria prionitis, Sahachara Barleria cristata, Satavari, Chitrak, Murva Marsdenia tenacissima, Bilwa moola, Vrusharika, Brihati, Bhadrika, Karanja, Chirivilwa, Agnimantha, Abhaya, Shigru, Prisniparni, Bhallathaka
Uses of Varanadi Kashayam
Varanadi Kashayam is indicated in obesity, liver diseases, rheumatism, chronic headaches, abdominal lump, tumour, internal abscess etc.
Dosage of Varanadi Kashayam
The recommended dosage of Varanadi Kashayam is 2-3 (each tab equals to decoction of 5 ml) tablets or 10-15 ml with 30-45 ml water, twice a day. Or take as directed by physician.
Varanadi Kashayam is manufactured by Arya Vaidya Pharmacy AVP, Arya Vaidya Sala Kottakkal, Kairali Ayurvedic Group and many other South Indian Ayurvedic Pharmacies.