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Top 5 Ayurvedic Medicines for Intestinal Worms


Intestinal worms are parasites that lives and multiply inside human body. These are mainly intestinal roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus) and whipworm (Trichuris trichuira). This is a very common problem among children. Worms living inside body sucks nutrients and thus causes malnutrition. Due to which child becomes unnourished and have retarded physical and mental growth. Parasitic infestation causes pain in abdomen, loose motions, flatulence, anaemia and several other problems.

Infestation by these worms causes various health issues. The reasons for such worm infestation is poor hygiene, sanitation and intake of contaminated food and water.

  • Vidangaristha/Vidangasva
    Dosage: 12 ml (for adult), children (3-5 ml), babies (15 drops) with eqaul amount of water, thrice a day.
  • Bala Chaturbhadra churna
    Dosage: 500 mg to 1 grams, thrice a day with honey.
  • Krimikuthara rasa
    Dosage: 125 mg, twice a day with honey.
  • Krimi Mudgar ras
    Dosage: 1 tablet, thrice a day with honey.
  • Krimihar Syrup
    Dosage: 3 - 4 teaspoonful (Adult), 1-2 teaspoonful (children) at night for 5 - 7 days.

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