Chandraprabha vati is a famous classical Ayurvedic medicine. It is a herbo-mineral formulation, which means for preparing this medicine both medicinal herbs and minerals are used. It is prepared from 37 ingredients, in which 28 are medicinal herbs. Rest ingredients include 3 mineral salts (Rock salt, Black salt, Ammonium chloride), 2 alkali (Sodium chloride and Potassium carbonate), 2 metal ashes (Ferrum and Copper) and Aspelt mineral pitch (Shilajit).
Chandraprabha vati is given for treating genitourinary (Genitourinary refers to the urinary and genital organs) ailments and seminal problems. Chandraprabha vati is also used in several other diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, skin infections, gastro intestinal disorders, impotency, premature aging, and urinary tract diseases.
Chandraprbha vati is a good remedy for women who suffers from weakness of uterus. It is good medicine for female disorders such as painful periods, mensturation for long duration like 10-12 days, pain in whole body, low energy, and low appetite. In such condition this medicine should be taken with Ashoka Ghrita or Phala Ghrita.
Chandraprabha vati is also useful for male sexual disorders such as premature ejaculation, nocturnal discharge or Swapna dosh. It also works in condition of involuntary loss of semen.
For urinary problems
- Painful urination
- Scanty urination
- Discharge of albumin in urine
- Burning sensation in urination
For Male reproductive system problems
- Weakness of male sexual organs
- Chronic sujak
- Enlargement of prostate
- Diabetes
For Female disorders
- Painful menstruation
- Uterus weakness
- Prolonged periods
- Weakness, low appetite
Properties of Chandraprabha Vati
This medicine is scientifically proven diuretic. Diuretics are those agents that increase urinary output and its sodium iron level. Diuretic are used for treating hypertension, congestive heart failure, ascites, pulmonary oedema, nephritic syndrome, renal failure, cirrhosis of liver. Chandrabrabha Vati is an inexpensive, easily available natural medicine with Diuretic action, that does not produce undesirable effect on body. Synthetic modern diuretics has many side-effects when used as diuretic like weakness, infertility, imbalance of electrolytes, development of diabetes etc.
- Diuretic
- Improves urinary functions
- Improves kidney performance
- Improves immunity
- Anti-inflammatory
- Improves fertility and semen quality
- Gives strength to Uterus
The recommended dosage of Chandrabrabha vati is 1-3 tablet. The Anupan or liquid vehicle is milk, Giloy kwath, Daru haldi ka ras, Bel-patra ka ras, Ghokru kwath or Honey. In Diabetes this medicine can be taken with karela juice.