Prawal Panchamrita Ras is a herbomineral Ayurvedic medicine referenced from Bhaishajyaratnavali, and is indicated in gulma rogadhikar. This medicine is useful is treatment of digestive system diseases. Praval Panchamrita Ras corrects deranged Pitta and thus gives relief in pitta roga. It gives strength to brain and heart.
Prawal Panchamrita Ras is manufactured by Dabur, Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan, Patanjali Divya Pharmacy, Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited and some other pharmacies.
Here is given more about Prawal Panchamrut Ras such as indication/therapeutic uses, Key Ingredients and dosage.
Key Ingredients of Prawal Panchamrut Ras
Pravala Pisthi or Bhasma 1part, Moti bhasma or Pisthi 1 part, Shankha Bhasma 1 part, MuktaShukti Bhasma or Pisthi 1 part, Kapardika Bhasma 1 part,
Bhavana Arkaka sheera or Aak ka doodh or latex 84 grams
Uses of Prawal Panchamrit Ras
- Distension of abdomen due to obstruction to passage of urine and stools
- Abdominal lump
- Ascites
- Spleen diseases
- Asthma, difficult breathing
- Impaired digestion
- Ajeerna indigestion
- Grahani Malabsorption syndrome
- Atisaar or diarrhoea
- Heart diseases
- Amlapitta hyperacidity
Dosage of Prawal Panchamrita Ras
1 to 2 tablets 2 times a day with milk, sugar, water or Nimbu Swarasa or as directed by physician.