Arshoghni Vati is herbomineral Ayurvedic medicine useful in treatment of piles. It is a good medicine for both types of piles, bleeding and non-bleeding. In case of bleeding piles, its use stops bleeding. Regular use of this medicine helps to cure piles.
Here is given more about Arshoghni Vati such as indication/therapeutic uses, Key Ingredients and dosage.
Key Ingredients of Arshoghni Bati
- 24 gams each: Neem ke beej, Khunakharaba, Bakayan ke beej
- 48 grams Trinakanta Pishti
- 144 grams Rasut (preparation of Berberis aristata)
Uses of Arshoghni Vati
- Bleeding haemorrhoids
- Non bleeding Haemorrhoids
Dosage of Arshoghni Vati
1 tablet twice a day with water or as directed by physician.